Juicy Fried Chicken

Juicy Fried Chicken.JPG

1 4-6lb whole chicken, cut into pieces and skin removed (if you don’t know how to

do this you can have the butcher do this for you)

1 quart of buttermilk, reserving ½ cup

1 tbsp salt

2 tsp pepper

2 cups all purpose gluten free flour

1 tsp ground mustard

½ tsp cayenne pepper

1 tsp onion powder

1tsp garlic powder

1 tsp gluten free steak seasoning

1 tsp smoked paprika

Sprinkle of salt and pepper

Canola or peanut oil, enough to fill a large heavy bottomed pan half way. If you have

a cast iron skillet that is preferred.

Place all the chicken in a large bowl, sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of salt and 2

teaspoons of pepper. Pour in buttermilk until just covers chicken (you should have

a little buttermilk left over about ½ or so, save it for mixing into your flour) cover

and let marinade for at least 3 hours or overnight is preferred.

Once chicken is done marinating, get your flour into a large shallow dish and take all

of your seasonings and mix them in. Next, drizzle your remaining buttermilk into the

flour mixture, using a back forth motion, going up and down the dish. Take a fork

and gentle mix in the buttermilk creating little crumbles in the flour. This will give

you a nice crust on the chicken.

Next, take your heavy bottomed pan and fill it half way with the oil over medium

high heat until it reaches 350 degrees. Also, preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Now, take your chicken out of the buttermilk letting excess milk drip off and dredge

the chicken in the flour mixture. Once all the pieces are covered with flour dip them

back into the buttermilk one piece at a time and dredge again. Repeat until all

pieces of chicken have been double dipped into milk and flour.

At this point the oil should be ready. Take a crumble from the flour and place it into

the oil. If it sizzles, then it’s ready if not give the oil 5 minutes more and try again.

Place chicken gently into oil, try not to crowd the pan use your judgment. Crowding

the pan will lower the heat and will cause your chicken to get soggy (no one likes

soggy chicken). Let fry until lightly golden brown on each side, about 3-4 minutes

per side. Take out and let dry a minute or two on a paper towel lined plate.

Transfer to a baking sheet and cook in oven for 20 -25 minutes until juices in the chicken

run clear. Serve immediately and enjoy!


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