I hope I can help others going through a gluten-free lifestyle change, by your own dietary choice or if you had to make this change because of your health or if you just want to try something new.

Hi i'm Nichole,

I am 37 years old, married to the love of my life and best friend.  We have 2 gorgeous children that are the light of our lives. We have amazing families as well as friends. We are very lucky! One very important piece of information about myself is that I absolutely LOVE to cook! I am a die hard foodie.  I am also cosmetologist by trade. I'm fascinated by color, new trends, style, jewelry you name it! I'm a typical girly girl. 

I grew up in two very culturally diverse families, no matter what the occasion or where we were, if there was a kitchen, we were in it.  I am half Italian and half Polish and my most memorable moments from when I was a child were undoubtably in the kitchen, from learning how to make polish donuts (paczki) pronounced (punch-kee) to wandi a deliciously light Italian pastry and everything in between. 

I am gluten-free and have been for ten years now. I found out I had celiacs after I had my son and it literally was the most difficult, yet inspiring information I have ever received. At first I felt like I was trapped in a world all by myself.  What do you mean no more bread? Or pasta? Or pastries? I was on a downward food spiral and I felt like I would never recover. While everyone around me was enjoying everything and anything they set their eyes on. I was thinking that I wanted my children to grow up with same great memories I had as a child. Tasting all the wonderful flavors of their cultures. Now, I was on a mission! I absolutely could not go from eating all these delicious foods to eating bland and cardboard flavored foods. If I didn't want to eat all these non-appetizing foods then, I knew for a fact my family was not going to either. So, I started a journey of taking all my family favorites and recreating them all to suit my gluten-free needs, but not sacrificing any of the flavor. It was not easy but with a lot of patience, help, and knowledge, I was doing it. One by one, the recipes were all coming together. Eureka!! No more bland, cardboard foods!

I hope I've shed some light on this gluten-free roller coster I had to endure. I hope I can help others going through a gluten-free lifestyle change, by your own dietary choice or if you had to make this change because of your health or if you just want to try something new. I promise you, if my picky family will eat the recipes I've come up with, they must be good! Thank you and looking forward to taking this journey together with you. Let the fun begin! Nichole
