Baked Apples

Baked Apples.JPG

6 Macintosh apples

½ stick butter, melted + 6 slivers

¼ brown sugar

2 tsp cinnamon

½ cup gluten free oats

3 tbsp raisins

Juice of half a lemon

Ready made gluten free piecrust (I used Pillsbury)

1 egg

Turbinado sugar, optional

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Wash apples and dry well. Cut the tops off and core, set aside.

In a medium bowl combine melted butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, oats, raisins and lemon juice. Take the apples and first put a sliver of butter into the hollowed out portion then stuff with your oat mixture until just full and set into a large baking dish.

Next, roll out pie crust to about half inch thickness. If the dough starts to get sticky you can use gluten free flour mix or cornstarch to sprinkle on while you roll it out. Once you have rolled out the pie crust, now it’s time to cut out circles large enough to cover the top of the apples. You can use a biscuit cutter for this or I simply used a 14.5 oz can. Whatever you have will work just fine.) At this point you can top the apples and cut a slit into the top of the dough and call it a day. Or, you can take each circle and cut it into 5 strips and make them into a basket weave look. It’s up to you.

To do this you will need two circles to make one basket weave. Take one circle and remove the second and fourth strips and set aside. Next, take the same pieces from another circle and place them horizontally across the 3 vertical pieces. Lastly place the 2 pieces that were set aside and place them vertically over the horizontal ones.

Creating a basket weave. Now, to ensure a nice golden and shiny crust, take your egg and beat it with a little water and brush it on the piecrust and sprinkle with your sugar. Phew! I promise it is very easy to do.  Have a great time! Enjoy!


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